featured10 - Let’s Talk Ills: Four Pains That Osteopathy Can Help You With

Let’s Talk Ills: Four Pains That Osteopathy Can Help You With

Living with pain is no longer something that you or anyone else has to do. When it comes to dealing will certain issues, osteopathy can be your way out—you simply do not know it yet. We’ve mentioned time and time again that osteopathy is one of the more leading alternative forms of treatment that we’ve got.

Gone are the days where acupuncture ruled the field of alternative medicine. Osteopathic treatment can help with several things. For example:

Hip Pain

This is one for the elders and anyone who has slipped and fallen quite seriously. Hip pain is often the leading cause of discomfort for adults starting from the late 30s. While the normal state of things that to simply either ignore the pain or take pain medication, osteopathy has offered a different option.


Another one that hits the elderly, arthritis can make life pretty unbearable—especially when you have to work with your hands. No matter what age you are at, you will always need to use your hands. Arthritis robs people of the full and proper utilization of their hands because the joints swell up.

Growing Pains

A lot of people do not realize that children between the ages of 4-14 continuously experience growing pains. These are characterized by sharp and sometimes continuously dull pain down the legs. The pain comes and goes and usually affects children after they have gone to sleep. The muscles are stretching because the bones are growing. This can be quite painful and difficult to deal with for both children and parents.

Osteopathy helps to relieve any pressure in the legs and loosens up the joints to promote better blood flow—lessening the likelihood of pain.


Those who have ever sprained a wrist or ankle will know that the sprain, while gone, will continue to affect the person’s body—especially during the cold seasons. Osteopathy can help by prompting the body to acclimatize better to the odd position that the sprain has put the joint in. Continuous treatment can help the body fight back that weird pain and promote complete recovery without the pain coming back.

To Conclude

Osteopathy is a branch of medicine that will have its fair share of detractors. This has always been the case when something entirely new and breaks away from traditional medicine and norms. While osteopathy is booming in its popularity, we hope that this does not mean that you may simply undergo osteopathy without suitable research. We hope that we’ve taught you better than that.

What particular pains are looking forward to beating with the help of osteopathy?

info2 - Let’s Talk Ills: Four Pains That Osteopathy Can Help You With

Infographic by: osteopathy.org.au
featured9 1 - The Differences between an Osteopath and a Chiropractor

The Differences between an Osteopath and a Chiropractor

When it comes to looking up alternative forms of treatment, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed with choices as there are so many. This is why it is important—more than ever—to be empowered with your decisions. A few weeks ago, we received a question that piqued our interest quite well.

Heather from Atlanta sent in a question from across the big pond. She asked what the distinct differences between an osteopath and chiropractor are. This was something that understandably confused some people as both concepts deal with the physical manipulation of the spine, bones, and joints. Let’s take a look at some of their differences:

Osteopathy Came First

What we find fascinating about both concepts is that one came first. Osteopathy was established in 1872. Chiropractors did not come about until 1895 and only because one of the students that studied under the founder of osteopathy decided to try out their hand at alternative treatment.

Chiropractors Are More Well-Known

If you mention alternative physical treatment, it would be odd at all to be referred to a chiropractor rather than an osteopath. The biggest difference comes in the form of their marketing and advertising strategies. There has been significantly more advertising about chiropractors and their craft than osteopaths.

Chiropractors Target Specific Areas

Chiropractors will often target the spine of the patient as they believe that a majority of the pains that humans feel pass through the spine. Osteopathic treatments however treat the totality of the body and not just a specific area. A majority of chiropractors focus more about popping joints rather than a holistic take at treatments.

Osteopathy Tends to Limit Radiation Exposure

When you get your x-ray taken, you are exposed to radiation. Chiropractors will always require their patients to have an x-ray taken. Osteopathy, however, will limit doing so unless wholly necessitated by the osteopathic doctor. Osteopathy always aims to be on the all-natural side of the treatment spectrum.

Osteopathic Treatments Are Extensive

Usually chiropractors will not go on for extended periods of time. Osteopathic can go on for several sessions—as long as there is recurring pain, more and more people will keep coming back to osteopathy.

To Conclude

We don’t blame you if you were confused about the difference between an osteopath and a chiropractor. This is a concept that anyone can easily be mistaken in. We hope that today’s discussion helped you to determine the difference. That way, you’ll be able to fully know who you should see regarding your ills.

How to find an Osteopath away from Wales

We understand that you might read this and be to far to visit us. So how to find and Osteopath somewhere else?
Well of course you could call the University College of Osteopathy, formerly known as the British School Of Osteopathy and ask for graduates in your area, but we would only recommend someone that we can trust completely. So if you are in London and can reach Notting Hill conveniently we suggest you visit Idris at Natural Moves, his reputation precedes him and he also has some celebrity endorsements.

featured8 1 - Carry Yourself Well: Simple Ways to Improve Your Posture

Carry Yourself Well: Simple Ways to Improve Your Posture

Any physical therapist will tell you that a lot of the time it is posture that is the main cause of certain chronic pains—especially for the shoulders, lower back, and the spine. So it is important that you take charge of your posture. This is what will be at the heart of today’s discussion.

Before we start, we wanted to give great big thanks to your continued support throughout the many months since we started this website. We are humbled and empowered by the many outpourings of joy and continuous stream of curious questions about osteopathy in general. So let’s get started with today’s discussion!

Bad Posture

Posture was more than just something that was good for one’s health. It also used to be a standard and quality of breeding that was expected of well-bred individuals and families. In the modern world, posture seemed to be something that was optional as more and more people kept to their homes and were constant in front of a screen.

Through the years, this led to entire generations of people suffering from chronic pain simply because of decades of bad posture. In order to help you guys combat this, we wanted to share some tips about how you may improve your posture.

No More Slouching

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This is one of the more common manifestations of poor posture. As more and more people are in informal settings, slouching has become the norm. To fight slouching, we suggest obtaining a good chair with good back support. When that’s done, make a conscious effort to square your shoulders and keep your back firmly against the seat’s back support.

Train Your Muscles

42 - Carry Yourself Well: Simple Ways to Improve Your Posture

It is all about consistency. If you think back to Anne Hathaway’s movie Princess Diaries, there is an instance where she is practically tied to a chair using a Hermes scarf. Her grandmother tells her that this is to simply train her muscles and eventually she will be able to sit properly with good posture. The same still remains true—scarf optional.

To Conclude

When it comes to the way you carry yourself, simple exercises or even habits can save you a world of pain later on in your life. In our quest to find out more about improving our posture, we had to come to terms with the fact that we’ve had some pretty bad habits formed through the years. We only hope that today’s discussion will help prompt our readers to take charge and actively choose to change their postures.

Which simple way to improve your posture are you going to be trying out?

featured7 1 - Aftercare Counts: Best Things to Do After Undergoing an Osteopathy Session

Aftercare Counts: Best Things to Do After Undergoing an Osteopathy Session

When you’re looking for a solution for your chronic pain, it isn’t just the treatment that you should be looking at. It is equally important to be aware of what is required after treatment has been done. Hello and welcome to another discussion on Osteopathy Wales. Today, we want to talk about osteopathic aftercare.

What is Aftercare?

Aftercare is the succeeding care that is often required after something strenuous or following medical treatment. Aftercare is a concept that is critical when there is something physical—like therapy—that is going on in a person’s life.

If you are the person undergoing osteopathic treatment, then you will be aware that your body will be a certain state after extensive treatments. For those who are unaware, osteopathy involves the physical manipulation of joints, muscles, the spine, and even other bones in the body. They are stimulated and often manipulated into certain positions in order to relieve pain and other symptoms of chronic illnesses.

After Treatment

Following an osteopathic treatment, it is entirely normal for a patient to feel certain things like:

  • Physical Fatigue
  • Emotional Distress
  • Soreness

Depending on the illness or issue being addressed by the treatment what the patient may feel after treatment can vary. However, this only puts emphasis on the need for aftercare. Here are a few suggestions on what best to do following an osteopathic session:


31 - Aftercare Counts: Best Things to Do After Undergoing an Osteopathy Session

Treatment will always require the physical exertion of the patient. Even if they are merely laying there or prompted into a position by the osteopathic doctor, it can be a strenuous activity. It is always advisable to refrain from any additional physical exertion following a treatment.


32 - Aftercare Counts: Best Things to Do After Undergoing an Osteopathy Session

Osteopathic treatments can bring about a deluge of emotion. There are several cases where the patient reports the feelings of being highly emotional following a session. This is because osteopathic treatment deals in releasing stress from the body. In some cases, this manifests as an outpouring of emotion that may catch the patient and their family unaware.

So it is highly advisable to take a bit of time alone to gather one’s thoughts and feelings. After that, talking it over with a therapist or a trusted family member will help a lot.

To Conclude

We cannot emphasize enough on the importance of aftercare—particularly when osteopathic care is in the picture. In order for the full positive effect of the treatment to be obtained, both the patient and those around them need to work together to ensure a higher chance of success. While there will certain times when aftercare may seem unnecessary, there will never come a time where it isn’t needed.

What particular aftercare rules do you have following an osteopathic treatment?

featured6 1 - Let’s Talk Health: Three Benefits of Undergoing Osteopathy Treatment

Let’s Talk Health: Three Benefits of Undergoing Osteopathy Treatment

Osteopathy is a treatment that is popular for a reason. Let’s explore some of the different benefits that lay in wait for anyone that chooses to experience osteopathy. As you may be aware, osteopathy is a alternate form of treatment that takes a more physical manipulation of the body rather than something invasive like surgery.

It also helps that osteopathic treatments do not require the utilization of medicine. Here are some of the benefits:

It Helps With Pain

One of the biggest draws of osteopathy is its ability to relieve pain from joints, the spine, and even the muscles. For those that deal with arthritis and other forms of chronic pain, osteopathy can provide a way to relieve the pressure and pain that comes with the inflammation of joints. Muscles can become stiff over the years—especially if there are ongoing issues with joints and bones.

Osteopathic treatments really help well with back pain and other forms of issues that tend to crop up every now and then.

It Helps With Healing

When someone has recently undergone surgery, it is important to allow the body to heal naturally. Osteopathic treatments help to increase blood circulation and even reduce blood pressure—both of which help to promote the body’s natural healing ability. It has long been established the massage or proper manipulation of the body truly does wonders.

There is nothing rough about osteopathic treatments which make them quite ideal for anyone whose physical state can be a tad on the fragile side.

It Helps Combat Insomnia

A lot of people regardless of age deal with insomnia (inability to sleep). Osteopathic treatments can help those suffering from insomnia by regularizing the hormones and sorting out any pockets of stress buildup in the body.

Insomnia is something that afflicts millions of people throughout the UK. In order to avoid the negative health effects that come with insomnia, it is ideal for insomniacs to start their osteopathy treatments at their earliest convenience.

To Conclude

We believe that more and more people need to become more aware of the benefits of osteopathy. There is much to be gained beyond the three that we mentioned above. We hope that you guys will take some time to find out more regarding the benefits of osteopathy treatment. With information so readily accessible nowadays, it would be good for anyone who suffers from chronic pain to be informed about potential choices.

What other benefits have you personally experienced from osteopathy treatments?

featured5 1 - Before the Choice: Questions You Should Ask When Screening an Osteopath

Before the Choice: Questions You Should Ask When Screening an Osteopath

Once you have found an osteopath whose practice you would like to patronize, it would still be good for you to be prepared. Today, we want to talk about certain questions that you should ask when screening an osteopath.

Why are questions important?

In order to determine if you’ve found the right doctor to suit your needs, you need to know what you want. You do that by asking a set amount of questions in order to gauge the expertise or the personality of the doctor. When it comes to alternative treatment, you should be able to make sure that the doctor that you choose would be a good fit.

Sample Questions

If you’re looking around for an osteopathic doctor, here are a few questions that you may want to consider asking:

Are you certified?

21 - Before the Choice: Questions You Should Ask When Screening an Osteopath

This is one of the more important questions that you could actually ask. In the UK, it is critical that an osteopathic doctor is duly certified otherwise they would be subject to criminal persecution.

Would you be comfortable with an outsider to appointments?

22 - Before the Choice: Questions You Should Ask When Screening an Osteopath

In some cases, the patient may not be comfortable with attending appointments by themselves. It would be important to know if the doctor would be okay if the patient brought along a relative or a friend.

What risks are associated with treatment?

23 - Before the Choice: Questions You Should Ask When Screening an Osteopath

It is important for the osteopathic doctor to be clear about any risks so that any patients would be aware. Patients need to see if a doctor would be willing to share such risks. Potential patients could also use this to gauge the personality of the doctor.

What is the duration of treatments?

24 - Before the Choice: Questions You Should Ask When Screening an Osteopath

Those seeking alternative treatment must have a clear understanding of what goes into a treatment. How is it done, how long does it take, and other such questions would be smart. This would be a good way to determine if you would like to go forward with the treatments.

To Conclude

Being prepared for the appointment you’re setting saves yourself a lot of time and you also save the physician a lot time as well. When you know what you need and have the right questions prepped, you help to create a better experience for yourself. After all, if the doctor you’re talking to cannot give you the answers that you want, you would be better off going somewhere else for your treatments.

What questions would you consider asking when you screen an Osteopath?

featured4 1 - Continuing the Search: How to Find an Osteopath Effectively

Continuing the Search: How to Find an Osteopath Effectively

In this day and age, it pays to be empowered about your choices. For anyone who is looking into trying out osteopathic treatments, it would be quite important to be aware of how to find reputable ones. The internet has made it a lot easier to disburse and find information—the issue is the validity or the credibility of that information.

Since information online can be created by just about anyone who has an internet connection, it would be important to arm yourself with the knowledge on how to find an osteopath effectively. Here are a few of our trusted methods:

Personal Recommendations

11 - Continuing the Search: How to Find an Osteopath Effectively

There is really nothing out there that can beat the personal recommendations of friends and even loved ones. When there is someone that you personally know that can provide trusted information regarding osteopaths in the area, you’ll have a better chance of getting a good recommendation.

While online recommendations are good, personal ones are always better. People are generally careful about handing out recommendations since they do not want their credibility to be damaged. Always use your personal network of friends and family. Ask them for any recommendations before you start the search online.

Yes, there are ‘personal’ recommendations made online. However, when the source is not someone that you know personally, the recommendation is not entirely reliable. You can base your opinions on the recommendations of famous personalities, but you need to remember that there is a chance that they might have been hired to advertise a particular clinic or osteopath.

Professional Recommendations

12 - Continuing the Search: How to Find an Osteopath Effectively

When you are thinking of trying out osteopathy treatment, it is always best to consult your physician. While they may have their own opinions or misgivings about the treatment, they will still provide you with recommendations.

Professional recommendations are always carefully crafted and carefully given out. It just takes one bad recommendation to tarnish the reputation of a physician or a clinic. If your search will take you online, it would be important to go through official channels.  There are a lot of organizations out there with their sites full of information that people can go to in order to empower their decision making.

To Conclude

Osteopathy is a branch of medicine that has been known to provide relief to those that suffer from chronic pain. Pain is not something that anyone should choose to live with. However, if you with a substandard osteopath you end up risking greater pain. So we hope that today’s discussion will provide a useful resource on how to find an osteopath effectively.

What ways do you subscribe to when looking for an Osteopath?

featured3 1 - Before the Leap: What is Osteopathy Training is Like in the UK?

Before the Leap: What is Osteopathy Training is Like in the UK?

Since there has been a stark rise in the interest of Osteopathy in the UK, it only follows that there is also a spike in people who want to pursue that as a profession. For those who walk the path of an Osteopath, the journey can be quite clear. This is what we will be looking into with today’s discussion.

An osteopath is a person that legitimately practices osteopathy. Not just everyone would be able to join this profession even if they wanted to. It takes several years of education and even then there are additional training courses. Let’s dissect what osteopathy requirements and training would be like if you wanted to practice it in the UK.

The field of osteopathy can be quite competitive so it would be important to be aware of what you will need to do if you want to be an osteopath. Like:


Like everything that has to do with a professional career, it start with what you study. Anyone that is trying to become an osteopath should be trying to obtain a degree in clinical sciences. Ideally, you should get a degree which majors in the osteopathic field.

Degrees can take around three to four years.


If you have managed to obtain a diploma, you will need to be suitably trained. We must emphasize that any training that you sign up for should be recognized by the Council that governs Osteopathy. The actual training takes about 4 years of hands-on experience. So not only are you given the theory but trainees are given full hands-on experience.

There are options for trainees to pursue part-time training.


After you have received your training, it would be important for anyone aiming to practice in the UK to be registered with the GOsC or the General Osteopathic Council. Anyone that isn’t registered but practices shall be subject to strict criminal laws.

To Conclude

We highly commend anyone that is aiming to become an Osteopath. You’ve chosen a calling that will undoubtedly help millions in their search and pursuit of alternative treatment that will give them the relief they want. If you’re still uncertain if this is the path that is right for you, we hope that you think about it long and hard. Review the information that we’ve shared above and determine if this is something that you would like to do.

Would you consider becoming an Osteopath in the UK?

featured2 1 - Other Places, Too: Osteopathy Booms in Wales

Other Places, Too: Osteopathy Booms in Wales

No longer restricted to the more ‘modern’ or traditional forms of medicine more and more people are becoming aware of alternative methods of treatment. One of those treatments happens to be Osteopathy. Last time, we discussed how this branch of medicine and treatment had gained a massive following in the UK.

Today, we wanted to talk about a specific area: Wales. As you may know, Wales and its climate tend to vary where you’re staying. If you’re like most people in the area, you will probably be staying by the coastal areas. While one would think that this would mean warmer climates, you’d be wrong. Wales is famous for the chilly and windy climate. That being said, it can be a little difficult for the elderly set of individuals who tend to suffer from chronic or joint pain.

1 - Other Places, Too: Osteopathy Booms in Wales

Wales and Osteopathy

Osteopathy has gained a lot of traction in Wales—especially with the elderly population—because of the many benefits it provides for those that experience joint swelling or muscle stiffness. It isn’t just the elderly that benefits from osteopathy.

Those that suffer from chronic fatigue and asthma have also reported benefitting from osteopathy treatments. Such treatments have also been known to help young children and expectant mothers. Since osteopathy involves the physical manipulation of joints, muscles, and even the spine, the effects have been known to be holistic and long-lasting.

To Conclude

Osteopathy will only continue to gain a gathering of supporters in Wales. It’s already pretty popular in other parts of the UK so if you’re thinking of finding a place where you can find such services, you can always go find an online directory. We’re not at all surprised that Wales is embracing osteopathy really well. We continue to hope that with every discussion, more and more individuals will realize that there is much to be gained from holistic treatment.

Why do you think osteopathy is booming in Wales?

featured1 1 - Health in the UK: Why Osteopathy Is Booming in the UK

Health in the UK: Why Osteopathy Is Booming in the UK

When it comes to one’s health, it is very important to be aware of different options that you can pursue. One of the things that we really appreciate is the fact that there are so many other health and treatment options available. When it comes to these options, it is important to be empowered and be well informed.

Today, we wanted to discuss Osteopathy and its apparent popularity in the UK.

What is Osteopathy?

First things first, let’s clarify the concept of Osteopathy. For anyone who isn’t familiar with this idea, this is an alternate method of medicine that usually involves the physical manipulation of joints, bones, and muscles of the body. Not to be confused with chiropractor, Osteopathy is often considered to be complementary therapy and treatment.

In the recent decade or so, it has obtained a rather dedicated following in the United Kingdom. Let’s explore some simple reasons as to why that is:


Osteopathy provides a non-invasive method for pain relief and a way to deal with any form of chronic pain that is felt. For a lot of people, having a fear of needles and surgeries is very real and Osteopathy provides a different option.


Osteopathy isn’t just about treating a single part of the body. It looks that the whole picture and wellness of the person. Those that undergo osteopathy treatments report an increase in their overall health and not just the afflicted areas of their bodies.


Instead of involving more chemicals or medication in a patient’s body, Osteopathy takes a more natural approach toward the wellness and pain relief. This is a big relief especially for those that are tired of having their body’s natural functions impaired by the side effects of medication.

To Conclude

We’re actually quite glad that Osteopathy is gaining a lot of traction and support in the UK. We believe that more and more people should be made aware that they do have other options to pursue regarding their treatments and health. While there’s no denying that we’re big fans of Osteopathy, we’re going to take a neutral approach as we continue to discuss this.

Why do you think Osteopathy is booming in the UK?

info1 - Health in the UK: Why Osteopathy Is Booming in the UK

Infographic by: downtownwellness.ca