Richard Burden

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Winter Blog 2023

There is so much to write about I hardly know where to begin. The world in which we are living is changing extremely fast—if you are awake! And not for the better—but more of that anon. Let me begin by reporting on the latest seminar I attended a week ago in London. These events are always very exciting and enlightening for me and help to broaden my approach and give me new tools with which to treat my patients.

The most interesting talk was about the use of high dose Vitamin B1 (Thiamine). Elliot Overton has been using high dose Vit B1 for many of his patients, particularly with neurological problems such as Parkinson’s, M.S. and fibromyalgia. But it can be used in many other conditions and problems in the body, even digestive disorders, heart problems, brain problems etc etc. A deficiency of B1 is not necessarily present, but Vitamin B1 helps to kick start many areas of the body that are not functioning well. It’s a therapy that has been around for many years, but has been forgotten. I shall be using it with some of you.

You may have heard that measles is on the increase. But did you know that a simple supplement of Vitamin A can help and has been recommended by the WHO for decades? Multiple studies in populations in which vitamin A deficiency is prevalent, show that giving a supplement to improve vitamin A status can dramatically reduce the risk of serious complications and death from measles, with minimal detectable incidence of adverse effects.

Another ‘popular’ new drug used to help weight loss has just been authorised in the U.K. I hope you won’t be tempted to use it. This drug can cause serious digestive issues, including stomach paralysis, pancreatitis, and bowel obstructions according to a new study published in the JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) which analysed health insurance claims data. For any drug, especially one that is being given a lot of publicity, always ‘follow the money’. Please remember that ALL drugs have side effects. I prefer the saying “Let food be your medicine”.

I also like the recent quote by Robert Kennedy Jr. “One of the tragedies today is that you can’t trust public health officials anymore. Doctors can’t, the American people can’t. Treat every so-called expert pronouncement with skepticism. So many experts have been bought off by the industry and our regulatory agencies, instead of protecting public health they are serving the mercantile interests of the pharmaceutical industry”. This quote applies just as much in the U.K. as it does in the U.S. I believe. I wonder if R.K.Jr will get enough votes to be the next U.S. President? If he does the pharmaceutical industry will be completely shaken up! Check out his website “Children’s Health Defence.” He has been doing amazing work for many years.

Here's another one posted by Elon Musk: “Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it, for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it.”

And finally please make yourselves aware of the proposed WHO Pandemic Treaty. If this is adopted by the UK Parliament in May next year, and other governments around the world, it will change life forever. And major decisions about our health will be made by a man in Geneva who is not even medically qualified!! You can find out more on R.K. Jnr’s website mentioned above and read “The 6 Reasons Legislators Should Reject WHO’s Pandemic Proposals”.

And just one more piece of scientific knowledge that has been thrown out of the window in recent times: carbon dioxide is needed by plants to grow healthily. CO2 increases productivity through improved plant growth and vigour. There are commercial concerns that use special greenhouses into which CO2 is pumped to help plants grow well! Why has CO2 become the enemy? Without CO2 we would all have starved to death!

I’ll end by sending you all my very warm wishes and my hope that you will all enjoy a healthy and happy Winter and Christmas season.



Autumn Blog 2023

The world is changing fast, probably a lot faster than most people realise. And it is not changing for the better. As I have mentioned before I have worked in Alternative Medicine for many years and therefore I have been in the habit of thinking ‘alternatively’ and always looking for the alternative, not only in medicine and health matters but in most other matters affecting our lives and health on this planet.
I was brought up by strict parents and taught to tell the truth and be honest and so it grieves me a lot when most of what I read in the press and hear on our news programmes to me is not the truth. A lot of so-called 'news' is in my view distraction and not important.
This ‘trend’ has mostly been happening since the ‘Pandemic’.
I am reminded of the quote by Joseph Goebbels from WW2 when he said that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it. That is as true today as it was then. Do you remember “safe & effective” repeated add nauseam for months? The health statistics since then are horrifying and people don’t realise it. One has only to study statistics on our Government's own Office of National Statistics website to know. How about the phrase ‘net zero’? Another one that is being repeated ad nauseam!
And just in the last few days I read that 1,600 prominent scientists around the world, including Nobel prize winners, say there is “No Emergency”! But you won’t have read that in your newspaper! Why?
I wish I could write a positive message in this blog. It is hard especially when our government is pushing through a new law that will make it mandatory to install smart meters in our homes. Please believe me when I say that these are dangerous. They are not good for your health! Look up the dangers on the web then you’ll understand what I say. I have to be careful what I post as I’ll probably be accused of posting misinformation. Last year I was ‘ordered’ to take down some of the posts on my website. There is much that we are being censored for. Please wake up! Life is not the same as a few years ago. And as I write the new law coming into force is the 20 mph speed limit in built up areas in Wales. Another loss to our freedoms. It is all part of what ‘is planned’. "15 minute cities" are next, including Swansea.
And meanwhile the drug companies roll out new medicines for this and that, Alzheimer’s, obesity, insomnia etc etc. Why do these drugs get a prominent feature on our news programmes? My answer is ‘follow the money’. The same happened in the pandemic. Who made all the money? Please ask yourselves that question. Vast fortunes were made. No one makes vast fortunes using Naturopathy!
You may not agree with all I have written and you have a right to disagree. All I ask is that we are allowed to have ‘free speech’ and can present other sides of an argument.
I am still working three days a week in our clinic. I have never been busier. All I want to do is help restore my patients to good health. Because of what I have just written it is becoming increasingly hard to do this, but I won’t give up! And if you wish to have some help with a health problem and have questions, please email me using the form on my home page.
My very warm wishes to all my readers!



Summer Blog 2023

On 24th June I was up in London attending an amazing seminar, listening to speakers who are doing wonderful pioneering work in alternative health care. I want to tell you about some of them. You won’t hear about these people in the mainstream media or magazines.
The drug companies would not want you to know about the research and help that Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez has given to so many cancer patients over many years. Yesterday I heard from two of them and also heard his wife speak about the Gonzalez Foundation. Sadly Dr Gonzalez died suddenly in 2015, but his legacy and work live on. His widow Mary Beth Gonzalez spoke to us at the seminar about how she intends to continue promoting his work through the Foundation she and other doctors have set up.
Dr. Gonzalez’s work was very successful with cancer patients and many are still living today including the well-known British orchestral conductor, Sir Roger Norrington, who was not given long to live when he was diagnosed with malignant melanoma 30 years ago!
Another long term cancer survivor, who I met and talked to, was the doctor who gave the introductory talk at our seminar, Dr Sarper Diler. Both these gentlemen and many others went onto the Gonzalez protocol and recovered completely. The Gonzalez protocol involves a strict individualised diet with the addition of enzymes and other supplements. Please copy and paste this link to know more:

Another speaker at the seminar was Dr. Tom O’Bryan from the U.S. who I have heard speak before, but is always a dynamic, hugely knowledgable and entertaining speaker. He bombarded us with a large amount of medical science and statistics that are mostly totally ignored by the medical profession and pharmaceutical industry.
An interesting quote he used was one by Aldous Huxley: “Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a healthy human being left”. This is so true when one sees that chronic disease worldwide increases year on year. Obesity is just one! And let alone since the “war on cancer” was declared over 50 years ago by President Nixon in 1971 cancer ‘only’ affected one out of three people. Since then cancer now affects two out of every 3 people.
Dr. O’Bryan particularly spoke about the importance of the immune system and the fact that modern science and research shows that disease begins in the gut. As naturopaths we were always taught this and modern science now backs this up in spades. Dr. O’Bryan talked a lot about the importance of the microbiome and the effect that diet, different diets and different foods have on the gut. He stressed the importance of working for a diversity of the microbiome that in turn improves health. Junk food, restricted diets, medication, antibiotics and many chemicals destroy the microbiome.
He spent much of his talk emphasizing the damage that wheat and gluten have on the microbiome and how they cause leaky gut. It has been shown that gluten triggers excess gut permeability in all humans within 5 minutes of wheat peptides entering the small intestine!! The food we received at the seminar yesterday was ‘mostly’ gluten free. Dr. O’Bryan told us he would not have spoken at the seminar unless the food we had at lunch and break times was gluten/wheat free!!!

And last but not least I want to talk about dementia and Alzheimer’s. I have mentioned in my past blogs about the amazing work Dr. Dale Bredesen has done in the U.S. with reversing Alzheimer’s Disease and his book “The End of Alzheimer’s”. Now there is a U.K. organisation that is promoting the prevention of dementia and Alzheimer’s. If you are concerned about these problems please explore the website You can do their free on-line test and questionnaire. They will also have pin-prick blood tests available. With these tests one can learn how to prevent and reverse any tendency to getting these horrible problems and at last can do something about them!
Enjoy the Summer!
Very best wishes to all my readers and patients,


Early Summer 2023

First the good and positive news to greet you all and tell you that our clinic has never been busier and that even though ‘my head may swell’ I can promise you that we help a lot of people get well who come to see us, from pain and many other ailments. We do very good work and all my fellow practitioners are wonderful people and I would never have any hesitation getting treatment from any of them. Why do I say this? Because in the next part of this blog I am going to talk about matters that many people are completely unaware of and that we need to wake up and take note of what is really happening, not only in Swansea, Wales, and the UK, but around the World. You will not hear the important news on the BBC or other MSM. Only GBNews I find is disseminating some of what is really going on. If you can stand the irritating ads, please do watch GBNews as they are the only TV channel that stands for free speech.

I was brought up in a Christian family and taught to be honest and not to lie, so I must be frank and admit that I find myself becoming increasingly depressed about the current world situation and lack of democracy and honesty in our ruling institutions. Since the advent of the pandemic so much in our lives is being hoisted on us virtually without any discussion, debate, consent, proper safety studies etc. I can think of a whole list of subjects that are being rapidly introduced into our lives. The fast introduction of all these is breathtaking. I have counted 67 so far!!These are not just taking place on a local level, but internationally with many countries seemingly creating these changes in complete lockstep with many other countries. It all started with the Pandemic and has continued with breathtaking speed ever since. Life has not returned to ‘normal’.
I wonder how many are aware of the impending introduction of the “Pandemic Treaty” being introduced around the world by the WHO. Do we ever stop to think that the WHO is controlled and financed by people who are not even doctors or medically trained!! That should start alarm bells ringing. This Treaty should be properly discussed in our parliaments. But it is not. It basically means that the WHO can declare a pandemic at any time they choose and lock the world down again.

This treaty will be foisted on the world at a meeting of the World Health Assembly in May 2014 unless something dramatic happens to stop it.- in the meantime.

Why did an MP get expelled recently from his party for trying to bring up these subjects in the H. of C.? If you actually listened to his speech it was rational, considered and quoted government statistics. Yet he was expelled from his party! Free speech is no longer allowed. So if my blog gets banned, you’ll know why!
In Alternative Medicine we are advised not to claim that any treatment we suggest can ‘cure’! Only the medical profession is allowed to ‘cure’. And you may or may not know that after cancer and heart disease, doctors are the 3rd leading cause of death in this country and the U.S.!!
One magazine article I read recently stated: “The transgressions of established medical ethics that have occurred since the covid-19 pandemic was announced, are without doubt key markers, that remind us just how unethical mainstream healthcare systems, health authorities and public health services have become”.
I have always said there is always another side to ‘the story’, and it is never more so than now. One way of finding out what the real story is, is to “follow the money”. Who is making the money on all the stories being pumped out by the MSM. How about Sudan for a start! What do you know about fifteen minute cities and their real purpose? Swansea has signed up to this. The UN, WEF,& WHO have already admitted that they and other Authorities now have near-total control over information, so if that is the case you know that there is another side to the story!
And one final general knowledge question, do you know how much carbon is in the air we breathe? 99% of the air we breathe air is composed of Nitrogen and Oxygen and only 0.04% carbon dioxide!! So why all the fuss about this latter gas and getting it down to net zero?? Or am I missing something?
Plants need carbon dioxide in order to thrive. The more carbon dioxide there is the better they grow and the less water those plants need. The less carbon dioxide in the air the less plants will grow.
I wish you all a very happy Summer and hope that we all enjoy some wonderful weather. The sun is there to help us get some life-giving Vitamin D!


And finally the healing results achieved by many hundreds of Power of Eight groups here in the U.K. and around the world have been nothing short of amazing. If you’d like to join a Power of Eight Group here in Swansea, please contact me. We either meet together on a Wednesday evening or do the Intention remotely, all holding an Intention at the same time in our own homes . And if you haven’t read Lynne McTaggart’s book of the same name, I strongly recomment it.

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